Announcements December 15 and 22, 2024

We are glad you are here to worship with us today!

May you sense the presence of God in our midst today.

We have Sunday school for children up to grade 6.

Pre-service Prayer every Sunday at 10:10, in the Prayer Room!

Christmas Eve service (December 24!) at 4 pm. Lighthouse Church and the Kamloops Vineyard Church are joining us, so we expect to have a full house! Still, you can invite family and friends, the more the merrier to celebrate the birth of our Saviour King!

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Kamloops Free Methodist Church? Membership classes will be held in the new year. Speak to Pastor Shelley if you are interested.

Revive! prayer meeting on Zoom is on hold through the Christmas season. We will meet again to pray on Thursday, January 9, at 8 pm on Zoom. The link will be emailed again in that week.

Small groups. Those interested in being in a group are invited to complete a brief questionnaire available in the mailroom and return to Pastor Shelley.

Christmas Walk-About Thanks to all who volunteered in various ways to make this wonderful neighbourhood event happen!

Poinsettias – For the month of December, you are invited to place poinsettias in memory of a loved one in the sanctuary. Plants can be dropped off to the office Wednesday mornings between 9-11 am, or Sunday morning before service.

The Lighthouse Project, which is an outreach program that cares for those living on the streets of Kamloops, is in need of bottled water. We often think of water during the hot days of summer but staying healthy and hydrated is essential in the winter months as they are trying to cope with the cold. If you would like to donate water, please bring it to the church and their volunteers will pick it up here.

There are several ways to give donations to the church. There is an offering box at the back of the sanctuary. Offering envelopes are available on the ushers table. You can e-transfer a donation to the church ( or give through the Tithely app. Ask an usher or phone or email the church office. Thank you for giving!

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for our Christmas Eve service, and all the Christmas Eve services in our city. This may be the only time of this year some people will go into a church. May they feel God’s presence and desire to know more about our Saviour that joined with us in our humanity that we may know eternal life.
  • For our church: Continue to pray for the renewal of our church, for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, for repentance and faith, refreshed hearts, encouragement to pursue the Lord wholeheartedly and willingness to reach out in love in our neighbourhood.
  • For the formation of the Pastoral Leadership Task Force (PLTF)
  • That God would open our eyes to opportunities to reach out in our community
  • That God would bring us people and send us to people
  • That God would enable us to hear His voice
  • That God would raise up a new generation of leaders
  • Pray for Student Café, for GriefShare, that God would be present and drawing hearts to Himself. For Caring Closet, that God would it to bless families in need.
  • For our refugee family in Coquitlam, for Mohammadreza, Maryam, Mahsa and Arnika. Pray for Arnika and Mahsa as they study this fall. Pray for the healing of Mahsa’s knee. Pray for language learning opportunities for Mohammadreza and Maryam, and for work opportunities for Mohammadreza.
  • Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for the church in the Middle East to be steadfast, to serve boldly, and to be a voice for peace as conflict escalates.
  • For those members of our church community who are currently facing health challenges. Pray for God’s presence, healing, peace, patience and support for their families. Please pray for the Spence family facing many challenges. Pray for those grieving the loss of loved ones. May they experience God’s grace in the midst of challenge and change.