February 2 and 9, 2025

We are glad you are here to worship with us today!

May you sense the presence of God in our midst today.

We have Sunday school for children up to grade 6.

Pre-Service Prayer, 10:10-10:25 Come join in prayer for God to meet us in worship on Sunday mornings, that He touch our hearts, convict, renew, empower and reign over us!

Pastor Shelley’s weekday work hours are Thursdays & Friday 10 am to 4 pm. You can reach her at other times by email, text or phone call.

Revive! Prayer ZOOM meeting. Thursday evenings at 8pm. This is a critical time in the life of our church to join together in prayer; everyone welcome. Check your email for a ZOOM link.

Young Life Day of Prayer, Sunday February 2. Please pray for Young Life today and in this season. Pray for YoungLife Kamloops, for the teens they connect with, for the leaders, staff and the committee, that they would be led by God in His mission to teens in Kamloops.

Today is the final day of the Week of Prayer and Fasting for the Free Methodist Church in Canada as we are asking the Spirit to help us make Jesus the love of our lives and the functional Lord of our churches. Tonight (Feb. 2), will be the closing Sunday Night Worship and Prayer Night at 3:30pm (our time), Pastor Jervis (Director of Church Health) will be leading us in a live evening of worship and prayer. The service will be live streamed by Trulls Road Free Methodist Church. These links are in the email that Pastor Shelley sent last week.

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@trullsroadfmc7790

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trullschurch

Puzzle and Game Nights. Every Wednesday in February join us in the Fellowship Hall to play games, build puzzles and mostly enjoy each other’s company. There are two times to join:   1-3 pm or 6:30-8:30 pm. All are welcome. Please invite your friends and neighbours.

There are invitations available from the ushers for you to share with others.

Sound training on Saturday Feb 8, 9:30-11:30. Anyone interested in serving in sound is welcome to attend.

Church Potluck Sunday February 16.  Sign up sheet is in the foyer.

Outreach to the needy, and our church is invited to help: “Back Alley Bites,” Feb 20, 6 to 7 pm, downtown at Out of the Cold (245 St. Paul Street). A food truck brings some tasty dinner, live music, outdoor fireplaces.  You are also welcome to come, greet and talk with folks from the street. It’s a good opportunity to put Jesus’ teaching about caring for the poor into practice!

We are hosting the FMCiC Regional Gathering, March 7-8 (Friday evening and Saturday). Danny A. is bringing 5-6 people from New Westminster church, and they are seeking billets. If you would be willing to put up a single or a couple, would you please let Pastor Shelley know? The commitment would be a bed, and a light breakfast, or at least a cup of coffee. These are all young folks, who would be hard pressed to pay for a hotel.

Thinking about summer? The church camping trip has been booked for July 4-6 at Ross Creek Campsite on Magna Bay. For more information or to sign up talk to Chris.

Looking for a way to grow in your discipleship this New Year? Pastor Shelley recommends TheWay Discipleship Pathway app, by Church Renewal International. Download it on your phone, create an account, and then access the teaching and guidance 5 days a week. There are various courses available, but the one to start with is Abide in Christ. This is a proven way to help you learn to hear God’s voice. Ask Pastor Shelley or Connie for help with the download if you need it.

There are several ways to give donations to the church. There is an offering box at the back of the sanctuary. Offering envelopes are available at the ushers table. You can e-transfer a donation to the church (treasurer@kamfm.ca) or give through the Tithely app. Ask an usher or phone or email the church office. Thank you for giving!

Prayer Requests:

  • Please be in prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo and our Free Methodist brothers and sisters there. A rebel group has taken over the airport in Goma and is near taking over the city. Hospitals are overwhelmed, some are trapped in their homes, and many are fleeing for their lives. Please pray for government leaders and those seeking negotiations. Pray for those who are displaced and living in fear.

Pray for peace in this troubled nation.

  • For our church in transition: Pray for Cam Taylor our transition coach and the Church Leadership Board. Please give them wisdom and discernment as they navigate these first steps in the transition process. Please also pray for Pastor Shelley as she navigates her current transition to a half time position. Pray too for our church that in this transition process we can be aware of God’s leading and His vision for the future of his church, Kamloops Free Methodist.
  • Pray for the renewal of our church, for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, for repentance and faith, refreshed hearts, encouragement to pursue the Lord wholeheartedly and willingness to reach out in love in our neighbourhood.
  • Pray for our outreach efforts to the students of Brock Secondary. For Student Café, that God would be present and drawing hearts to Himself and for the Caring Closet, that God would use it to bless families in need.
  • For Mohammadreza, Maryam, Mahsa and Arnika in Coquitlam. They are so grateful that you have been praying for them. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to work and study to build their life in Canada. They ask for prayers for their health, peace and overall wellbeing.
  • Pray for places of war and conflict in our world today. We pray for the Christians in these areas to be steadfast, to serve boldly, and to be a voice for peace. We pray for those that have lost loved ones and homes, may they sense the love and comfort of our Heavenly Father.
  • For those members of our church community who are currently facing health challenges. Pray for God’s presence, healing, peace, patience and support for their families.
  • Pray for those grieving the loss of loved ones. May they experience God’s grace amid challenge and change.
  • Pray for our political leaders in this season of transition in both Canada and the US. May God grant them wisdom to lead with integrity in their important elected roles.