Our Vision

We are currently in a vision-seeking phase of our life together. This process will take some time, but for now, here is our working vision statement:

We are finding life in Jesus, and inviting others to join us.

Post-pandemic, many people are reconsidering what is life-giving and what is life-denying or life-draining in their experience. For us, Jesus is life-giving! We are finding life in Him! We want others to be able to find that life in Jesus too. We believe it is for everyone.

The purpose of the faith community is captured for us in the Great Commands of Mark 12:29-31

Love God and love others. 

And the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20

Make disciples 

What are disciples, you ask?! Followers or students of Jesus, simply put. People who live as Jesus-centred, joyful and loving lives, with Jesus as their model in their outlook, decisions and purpose.

As we seek vision, we are looking for ways to increase our engagement with and service toward the neighbourhood of Brocklehurst in Kamloops. We want to be a warm, loving, supportive church that shares the love and life of God as we experience it with those around us.