
Prayer is so central to us as Jesus followers. It is our food and drink, our breath. It is the way we connect with God. We encourage our folks to pray everyday and we try to resource their prayer lives and growth in prayer.

We pray in our Sunday gatherings, at the Communion Table; we gather for prayer and have seasonal emphases on prayer. We try to learn and teach each other to pray more and more effectively.

Prayer Walks

For about four years, we have been prayer walking once a week in our neighbourhood of Brocklehurst. It is one way for us to love the community God has put us in. We walk the streets and lift people up in prayer. As we pass houses, schools or playgrounds, we ask for God’s blessing, light and peace to come to those who live, work and play there.

Prayer Meetings

We gather to pray in various ways. Some gather weekly to pray. The Care Groups pray for one another when they meet. Really, all our gathering involve prayer. We know that our God loves to hear from us and we are wanting to hear from God.

Prayer Weeks

We emphasize prayer from time to time, creating seasons of seeking, praying and listening to God. During a Week of Prayer, there are extra opportunities to gather to pray.

Prayer Chain

We have a Prayer Chain for immediate and urgent needs. Over 30 people begin to prayer when needs are made known to them.